Wednesday 21 August 2013

The Great Bromyard Bake Off

At last, a little post to cover events at this year's Bromyard Gala Handicrafts and Cookery Show (which took place last month, apologies for delay, have been recovering from all the baking....) I thought today was a good day to finally get around to it as the new series of Great British Bake Off starts tonight and I, for one, can't wait. I tell you what though, one cookery show a year - and a local, small town one at that - is more than enough for me, hats off to the BBC contestants tonight!

Anyway, as ever I entered an ambitious number of classes (fourteen I think?) and damn near finished myself off baking until 3am the night before the show.


Here are a few pictures I took along the way. Sorry about the lack of Cottontails animals - it was all a bit of a whirlwind in the kitchen and the fabric bunnies were wisely keeping out of the way.

The planning stage. Not sure what the tin of cocoa is doing there.

The makings of strawberry jam

Five chocolate brownies

Five iced biscuits (the Cottontails Bunny Biscuit recipe of course!)

Five cheese scones (second attempt, not sure what happened to the first lot but they were more like biscuits...)

Savoury quiche (about 7")

A spot of spoon-licking (think this was during the chocolate sandwich making?)

At the show... my 'Tea on the Terrace' display 
(homemade jam, iced buns, elderflower cordial, cards and flower display)

The first few treacle tarts are displayed... (mine's front left)

Some prizes
A final note - this post isn't entirely unrelated to Cottontails business. I have decided to create and develop a proper children's cookery department, it's a passion of mine, something which excites me and brings a smile to my face, and is one of a few changes and developments coming to Cottontails. So watch this space....!


Bumpkin Hill said...

Wahayyy lots of prizes there! You clever Bunny ;) Love the thought of a children's baking section, sounds like it will be a great success. At least you didn't put salt in your cake by accident like the Bake Off last night, poor guy! Catherine x

Charlotte said...

True! It must be so easily done though, in a strange kitchen - and in the technical challenge they provide the ingredients don't they, so no familiar packets etc. And it does look the same. Poor guy though! xxx

Sarah said...

Well done you! Clap, clap, clap.

I died a little bit inside for that poor chap. I felt so tense waiting for them to taste it!

Sarah x

Charlotte said...

Oh I know Sarah! And they were fairly critical *before* they'd even tasted it weren't they - I could barely watch! xxx
ps thanks for clapping :) x