Monday 1 March 2010

Ernest & Isobel bake a cake

Ernest has had a most enjoyable weekend, the highlight of which being a cake baking session with Mike's daughter, Isobel - she comes to stay every weekend and was very pleased to help entertain our feathered friend!

He helped assemble the ingredients (fortunately I caught him trying to eat the chocolate before too much had gone...)

There was some nibbling of cake mix however...

Slightly tense moment when Ernest looked like he was going to dive into the bowl of chocolate icing...

He sampled the first slice himself and seemed to quite enjoy it :-) He is now a fan of Jane Asher.

Other than the baking he had a very relaxed weekend, hanging out with Isobel and Humphrey, but I decided it was time to put him to work at Cottontails today and will share something of what happened when Ernest got himself into a bit of a pickle with the parcel tape in my next post...

(And for anyone reading this who doesn't have a clue what I am on about, Ernest is a little soft toy rooster traveling around on his 'gap year' staying with various host families... He set off from his home at The Hen House about a month ago and Cottontails is is fourth port of call. If you would like him to come to you next, just leave a comment on this blog post - or any other Ernest blog post - saying that you'd like him to visit, and I will draw names out of a hat at the end of his stay with me.)


BadPenny said...

coo ! a Jane Asher cake - he can make me one when he comes home !
Glad Isobel had a little kitchen hand even if he did try to eat all the ingredients !

...Nina Nixon... said...

Mmmmmm....chocolate cake. That Ernest has very good taste!

take care,

Nina xxxxx

Cass@TheDiaryofaFrugalFamily said...

He's quite handy in the kitchen isn't he lol.

Glad you're enjoying him x

Pom Pom said...

Hi Charlotte! I've never heard of Jane Asher! Must find out about all that chocolate cake goodness! Ernest is so comfortable there, but I sense he's always dreamed of Denver or maybe he'd like to go to Australia with me in a couple weeks. Ask him.