Monday 7 December 2009

Luxury string and the winner is...

I am chuckling to myself at the moment as I can't quite believe I have just listed a ball of string under 'Treats for Grown-Ups' on my website. But is is a very nice ball of string in a gift box from the lovely people at Maileg. But all the same. Can it be considered a treat? Well, there isn't anywhere else for it to go on the website so a treat it is!

In fact I didn't even order the string - Maileg sent six boxes in error and I have had them in my 'must return' pile for ages. Several weeks later I realise I have already paid the invoice, I am never going to get around to sending them back and might as well just put them on the website and see what happens.

Also I have just done the draw for the poorly Maileg mouse (something else I didn't get around to returning!). Sorry the pictures are so rubbish but I did try to capture the 'drawing process'. First I wrote names on little bits of blue tissue paper, then I rolled them into balls and decided to use the Mr String box as the 'hat' as it were.

I asked Sylvain bunny to do the honours...

But had to give him a hand...

And the winner is: Jennifer! (You can just about make out the name in the photo I think!)

Well done Jennifer :-) You can read her diary here:

I have a few more poorly animals around here so think I will do this kind of giveaway again, it's more fun than sending them back for credit notes.

Anyway, it's been another busy weekend sales-wise - as you would expect for December - so I haven't had that much time for working on the website, but a few late nights and a concerted effort mean that I have managed to finish adding some new stock. Have a look at our lovely things from Made in Pixieland, Belle and Boo and Snapdragon. Here are some of the new items:

And finally here are a couple of photos of the product shots ' in the making'. I turned our garden room / building site into a mini photography studio yesterday to make the most of the winter sun...

Right, better get on with packing up some parcels then!


Sue said...

Luxury string eh.......a brilliant product, every home should have some...Lol!

Love your photos and now I've seen your photo cube thingy I know why mine are so drab and yours are so gorgeous!!

Sue xx

Anonymous said...

Everything always looks lovely on your blog Charlotte! :)

love, Tina :)

BadPenny said...

Lovely string !

so cute the little bunny picking out the give away winner xx