Friday 4 December 2009

Tis the season to be jolly busy!

Cannot believe that I am writing my first post of the week at 6.30pm on a Friday - a good indication of how flat out I have been this week really. It's all good though - I am just about coping (with the help of mum and the cheering presence of Humphrey rabbit) and am enjoying the somewhat novel feeling of having a brisk, thriving business. (Well, it's only taken six and a half years!)

Still haven't drawn the names for the Maileg mouse giveaway yet but will do it this weekend. For how here he is holding the fort while I have a coffee break. Can you spot him sitting in the chair? It's just a tad too big for him.

And the picture at the top of the post is Humphrey in the doorway to the office - I get the feeling he is saying 'Come on in, how can I help you?' We actually had a 'real life customer' this week (a local lady rang up and asked if she could collect in person rather than mail order) and I think she was a little surprised to find a rabbit as part of the team here!

Anyway, my plan for the evening is to relax a bit and catch up on reading other people's blogs... bliss!


Tash Allen said...

sure is the season to be jolly busy (he, he, he - must be my sense of humour, that makes me LOL) Big brother Ducky arrvied this week all safe & sound - thanks so much. He has not met his new owner yet, we thought we'd let him enjoy the original Ducky for a bit first. and thanks so much for the gorgeous little tags - I have put some xmas cards on my blog (or will have in 10 mins!) using them, thanks again.

BadPenny said...

Humphrey is gorgeous .. have a lovely weekend x

...Nina Nixon... said...


busy is good though completely exhausting too!

Have a lovely weekend,

Nina x

Bumpkin Hill said...

Hi Charlotte, I would love to be met by Humphrey at the door! Just back from seeing my family, I had a lovely time playing crafts with my little niece, we made bunny hat crowns! and had to make a mini one for her little mouse toy too! She adores mice, love that photo of wee mouse in your chair, hadn't spotted him at first! Hugs, Catherine x

Pomona said...

Hope you had a nice relaxing weekend!

Pomona x