Tuesday 3 June 2014

Homemade elderflower cordial recipe

Every year I make elderflower cordial because it's so simple, and makes me feel rather pleased with myself. Here is the recipe I use followed by some photos I took a couple of years ago, when the Maileg bunnies helped me make a batch...


Make a basic sugar syrup by stirring 3 liters of boiling water and 900g of granulated sugar until the sugar feels like it's all melted.

Add 50g of citric acid (if you're not planning to drink it all straightaway)*, 2 sliced lemons and 25 rinsed elderflower heads. 

Cover with a tea towel, stirring occasionally, and leave to infuse for 24 hours

Strain through muslin and bottle. 

It is that simple!


 *Note - you can buy citric acid from most chemists or order it online - I ordered mine from a jam-making / preserving supplier along with some pretty bottles and a bit of muslin for the straining.

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