Tuesday 10 April 2012

Nose a-twitching, a pricked up ear... Ragtales toys are nearly here!

After a relaxing Easter weekend (the most important holiday of the year for bunnies) Humphrey is now is a state of high alert - he is listening out for a new toy delivery with his nose twitching and his ears pricked extra high.

And what is the cause of this excitement?

Well, it's the imminent arrival of a new and seriously lovely range of toys from Ragtales, a brand new English toy making company.

The lovely pictures below say far more than words really, and all I will add is that it is rare something comes along which I think is so perfect for Cottontails - it's that wonderful mixture of charm and quirkiness.

This is just a small part of the range and you can see these and a everything else from Ragtales on the website here. It's all available to reserve right now, and I'll let you know when the delivery arrives - i.e. as soon as Humphrey starts to thump... :)

***Update 11th April***

Humphrey: Thump, thump...
Me: What?
Humphrey: Thump, thump...
Humphrey: Thump, thump... oh for heaven's sake, Ragtales is here!


Sue said...

Oooh...... the lovely teddy in his jim jams is gorgeous....I wonder if I leave this accidently up on the computer Lovely Hubby will see it before my birthday.....sets plan in motion....hehehe

Sue xx

Charlotte said...

Sounds like a cunning plan Sue. Sadly such plans never seem to work with my other half - I even mentioned a Valentine's gift idea here on the blog in February... I don't think he even read it. (Else he read it and ignored it - which is worse!!) xx