Saturday 19 March 2011

New bun on the block

A lovely, sunny March Saturday.

A perfect day, thought Humphrey, for enjoying some fresh air in the garden.

But hang on a minute - who on earth is that?

Why, it's one of the new En Gry and Sif felt bunnies!

(Coming soon to the website - while Humphrey enjoys an afternoon in the sun, I am diligently photographing and uploading new stock - should all be 'live' next week.)


Rebecca said...

Humprey is adorable, looks like both are enjoying this spring sunshine! x

Crafty Green Poet said...

what a lovely white bunny, Humphrey seems to like it too!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Humphrey you are so precious! Glad you and your new friend are having some fun in the sunshine!
xx, shell