Friday 20 August 2010

I made a patchwork quilt!

This isn't really Cottontails-related, but I just wanted to show you my first ever patchwork quilt.

This time last week I was a total novice who needed twenty minutes and a manual to even thread her sewing machine... And now, while I am still a novice, I can sew (wiggly) lines, do seams, mitered corners, binding and have actually made a little patchwork quilt!

I attended a fabulous two day workshop with Diana Sanderson, a textiles tutor at South Worcestershire College and honestly I cannot recommend her enough. She was so lovely, patient, helpful and encouraging.

I think I might give this quilt to Humphrey because it is just the right size for him. And before I cut it up to make the quilt, the main blue gingham fabric was part of a duvet cover from Turquaz (gorgeous children's bed linen) and I have some lovely picture of him sitting on it as a youngster. Here he is in 2004:


I am now working on my second quilt at home before my confidence runs off, and am looking forward to more classes with Diana next month.


Update - 22nd September 2010

Quilt number two is finished, here it is - all lovely naturals and warm colours. Think this one is going to go up on the wall somewhere - but at the moment it is draped over the pile of ironing!

Also Diana now has her own website up and running at - do have a look if you live anywhere near Worcestershire / Herefordshire and would like to have a go at a new skill.


Bumpkin Hill said...

Now that sounds like some of my kind of fun. Your quilt is so cute and will be even cuter with H on it :) I have always wanted to try making a quilt, but it's on my long and ever growing list of crafts to try one day! I'm getting all ready for coming over to England next week. Will look forward to catching up when I get back and I can finally share my new project :) Hugs, Catherine xx

Unknown said...

I'm making my first quilt and it's no where near as neat as yours! I even struggled to cut square squares! mine is going to be a bit rustic!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Love it! You did a great job!
xx, shell and sugie bunny

Anonymous said...

I love the quilt - well done. Just thought I would let you know that Daisy is still fighting fit. I think she must have had an underlying problem for sometime, which she managed to hide, like bunnies do. She is behaving like a youngster again, not a middle aged lady!