Thursday 17 July 2014

Rabbit in a cot - pushing the boundaries of adorable

Here in the office I have a little vintage doll's cot, and over the last few days something extremely sweet has started to happen - Rudolph has taken to sleeping in it.

One day last week when I couldn't find him (a regular occurrence at home time - he hides) I stood in the middle of the office rustling a treat packet until I heard a little noise - and there he was, stretched out in the cot. And since then he has been in it every day...


For anyone who is interested, his companion in the cot is Gertrude, my much loved and long discontinued Moulin Roty rabbit. And the two of them are tucked up in bed linen hand made and knitted by my mother. What a life.


Scout and Sage said...

Oh my gosh, if that isn't the cutest thing EVER!


Charlotte said...

I know! And it's the fact that he did it all by himself... just adorable!!! xxx

Bumpkin Hill said...

Awwwwww bless his little cotton tail! That is too cute. Hope you're well, catherine xx

Annette Tait said...

aaaw goodness me Charlotte!! he is SO UBER ADORABLE ha ha ha! :) yup, rabbitys, they sure know how to melt hearts eh? much love xxxxx
ps I'm having a Drive Safe baby Hare give-away with strings attached on my blog :)

Crafty Green Poet said...

oh how cute, how did I miss this post when it originally went up?

Charlotte said...

I know Juliet - it's beyond sweet itsn't it. He's stopped doing it again now though/ They go through phases don't they. He's back to lying on the packaging... x