Tuesday 17 December 2013

Maileg Matchbox Mice - and a little house for them

A few weeks ago I spotted a rather lovely looking wooden shelving unit in the Scandi-Chic catalogue (the nice folks who supply all my Maileg stuff). I had the bright idea that I could order a few, spend a weekend customising them with cute little ditsy wall papers, little Maileg mouse pictures, that kind of thing. And then sell them for a fortune obviously.

So I duly ordered several shelving units.... and then Christmas took over and OF COURSE I haven't had time to do any mini interior decorating. What was I thinking? In fact they have just been sitting in the hall at home since they arrived. The other half isn't very pleased.

So, I've finally found a minute to pop them on the website 'as they are'. They are £57.50 and you can see them on the website here. They are still lovely, even without a quirky cheese fridge in the kitchen... And if I still have some left come the New Year, maybe I will find time to start decorating...

Also new in today, a plethora of Maileg matchbox mice. Seven new ones to be precise. You can see them all here on the website, and here are some snaps I took earlier. Thankfully they came out okayish... because at this time of year there is no time for faffing about with photography. Let alone decorating a mouse house.....

1 comment:

Crafty Green Poet said...

the mice are adorable and the shelving unit is very stylish!

Happy Christmas to you and Rudolph!