Tuesday 2 October 2012

Humphrey in print!

A little while ago Humphrey entered a competition to star in a short story... and he won! 

That rabbit. Is there no end to his talent?

The competition was run by Juliet Wilson aka the Crafty Green Poet - writer, poet, author, recycling-crafter, environmental campaigner and lover of all things rabbit. You can read about the story competition here. And please do take a look around her blog - it is well worth following. She is someone I would like to be more like.

The short story 'A New Start for Humphrey' arrived in the post a few days ago, along with a 'congratulations kit' for the star and last night I settled down to read it. It is a fascinating, thought provoking story set in a future that is at once bleak and hopeful, and I can't tell you how lovely it is to see Humphrey captured in print...
"Sheena smiled as a plump grey-brown rabbit hopped towards her and sniffed her foot... 'Look at those sweet turfts of hair behind the ears!'"

"They sat side by side, thinking about the future and petting Humphrey, who was sitting quietly between them."
And Juliet has even included one of Humphrey's naughtiest habits:
"Humphrey settled down and started to chew, then suddenly picked up the water bowl, emptied the contents and bashed the bowl against the balcony railings" 
 - he does exactly this in the evenings, except against the radiator!

A congratulations kit for the literary star

Juliet also sent a copy of her poetry book "Unthinkable Skies" - I am looking forward to sitting down with it - and a nice cup of tea - this weekend. This one looks pretty timely...

And incidentally, she is next on the list to host Sylvain the Cottontails Traveling Rabbit, so fingers crossed we'll be hearing a bit more from Juliet very soon.

Juliet's book. And a Cottontails mouse.

Thank you so much Juliet!


Crafty Green Poet said...

What a lovely post, Charlotte, thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed the story!

I'm looking forward to Sylvain's visit! If the weather's fine I'll take him down to the Water of Leith!

Bumpkin Hill said...

So exciting! Clever boy humphrey x

Caroline Gill said...

What a delightful post! I'm sure Juliet would like the word verficiation ...ecoatio (trying to figure out what atio might mean!!!).