Monday 11 June 2012

Hello Flower Sisters! Welcoming some new Maileg rabbits...

Maileg are best known for their characterful 'Brother and Sister' range of fabric rabbits - long tall bunnies with dangly limbs and sturdily stuffed linen bodies. They have become a modern classic and often grace the pages of Country Living magazine etc - casually propped up in the middle of the bed, or resting on a book shelf somewhere.

And now they have launched a new family of rabbits - The Flower Sisters. They still have the same simple fabric charm and dangly limbs, but there is one crucial difference: these rabbits are lops! 

Their bodies are a bit lighter than the classic 'Brother and Sister' bunnies, their embroidered faces have a sweeter character, but the main difference is definitely their long - very long! - floppy ears.

So far there are only four bunnies in the family and they are all girls. Meet Rose, Viola, Lily and Bell.

Also new in this week - some lovely Maileg stationery and posters, for example the classic Carrot Story poster, and some cards featuring the Brother & Sister bunnies.

I hope you like the new arrivals and you can find them all in the Maileg section of Cottontails.

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