Thursday 16 June 2011

Springwatch at Cottontails - part 3

Welcome back to our third and final part of Springwatch at Cottontails hosted by our three long eared presenters Rabbit Packham, Bunny Humble and Martin Hughes-Carrots.

First up tonight, let's have a look at what has been happening in Nest Box 1...

And now, at long last, we would like to introduce you to our guest naturalist Charlie Haymunching-Jaws who has been investigating the controversial reintroduction of dragons into the British countryside:

That's all we have time for for now (I really must get back to doing some proper work!) but thanks for watching and who knows, maybe we'll be back in the Autumn...!


Crafty Green Poet said...

brilliant video about the reintroduction of dragons, I've really enjoyed all your three Springwatch posts! Look forward to your Autumnwatch videos!

Leaff Design said...

Amazing yet again Charlotte, you are an asset to Springwatch! Really enjoyable as always, and you should definitely do an Autumnwatch! Encore!