Thursday 28 April 2011

Rabbits on Holiday... Part 2

As promised, here are a few behind the scenes photographs from The Rabbits go to Center Parcs film - including pics from a roller-skating scene which I deleted due to some very dodgy photoshopping (not to mention my, erm, inelegant performance).

Isobel takes a break from quad-biking for a pep-talk with Daniel:

It starts to become clear that Sylvain's bicycle is a touch on the big side...

My first time on roller-skates in, gosh, 25 years? And things don't start too badly:

Look, I'm not even holding on to anything!

But then...

And have you ever tried to stand up while wearing wheels on your feet? Well at least Mike was there on the sidelines with a few encouraging words (ahem) - and the camera to catch the occasion.

Anyway, having recovered myself...

Back at home I had great fun trying to recreate Center Parcs amazing world of swimming pools and water fun... with just the utility room sink, a cut up IKEA bag and some rocks from the garden. (Take note Center Parcs planners, it doesn't need to be complicated!)

And here is little Daniel drying out in the sun after his swim

And finally, here's where I filmed the credits:

Obviously I am expecting a call from Hollywood at any moment.... :)


Sue said...

Brilliant. I'd make a cup of coffee while you wait for that call though!! Lol....only kidding.

Sue xx

Anonymous said...

Love the pics, good to see you balancing work and life, well trying anyway. Very cute photoshoping:-)

Anonymous said...

I was shopping on Pershore high street last weekend and thought of you.
Love the rollerskating rabbits !