Monday 15 March 2010

Gardening (and where is Ernest?!)

Just a quick post to let you know that we now have a dedicated children's gardening department at Cottontails. It has been a new and different experience to write the product descriptions - I am so used to describing soft cuddly things that are safe from birth, it is an altogether different thing to be describing, for example, a 3' garden rake - not safe from birth!

One of my favourite things is this small wooden weather vane - perfect for the shed, summerhouse, play house etc - when I get some spare time and a sunny day I am going to put one up on the Cottontails office.

Humphrey meanwhile likes the look of this salad garden kit...

The plan is for me to set up my own little Cottontails garden over the coming weeks, and to use some of the equipment as I do so. And I will of course be writing about it on here...

(****NEWS FLASH****As I am in the middle of writing this post another huge gardening delivery has just arrived - so my gardening department is about to grow!)

Just a little update on Ernest who left for his next destination at Pomona's last week (in case people are wondering where he is, and thinking that maybe I have rooster-napped him and not actually sent him on his way at all - which did of course cross my mind....) Anyway, Pomona has left me a message to say that Ernest has indeed arrrived in Faversham, but that the family has been a bit under the weather so there hasn't been chance for adventures and postings yet... but keep an eye on Pomona's blog and I'm sure he'll pop up very soon now.


Bumpkin Hill said...

oh, I LOVE alllll of these items, that weather vain is adorable, I can just picture your Peter Rabbit like garden with all these treasures! Can't wait to follow it's creation. Catherine x

Pom Pom said...

HI Charlotte! The gardening center for kiddies sounds wonderful!

Pomona said...

We are all lots better now, and Ernest has had a chance to go out and play - lots of pics on my blog today!

Pomona x